求10分钟左右关于copyright 的英语演讲稿

What is copyright? Copyright is a protection that covers published and unpublished literary, scientific and artistic works, whatever the form of expression, provided such works are fixed in a tangible or material form. This means that if you can see it, hear it and/or touch it - it may be protected. If it is an essay, if it is a play, if it is a song, if it is a funky original dance move, if it is a photograph, HTML coding or a computer graphic that can be set on paper, recorded on tape or saved to a hard drive, it may be protected. Copyright laws grant the creator the exclusive right to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute, perform and display the work publicly. Exclusive means only the creator of such work, not anybody who has access to it and decides to grab it. 截取了几段,你可以上这网站上看看

The above applies to digital art and graphics. Open a gif, jpg or png file that you created and look at the properties. It states the date that you saved it to your hard drive as the date of creation. For better protection, back up everything on a cd or disk and put it in a safe place.

Somebody once asked if it was "illegal" to place the copyright ?symbol next to your name if you have not registered your copyright. Unless you are not the true author of the work, it is not illegal to place the copyright ?symbol next to your name - it is your right to do so. The proper way to place a copyright notice is as follows: Copyright ?(first date of creation) (name of owner). Like this: Copyright ?2010 John Smith.


The trust crisis in nowadays ,its really a big issues whatever you are dealing with ,as we knew that credits,reputations is directly connect to your career、social reputations、loan、even influence your family,isn't it?

Here has a story i want share with yous:

So i turn back ,told the owned :You overpaied me 10 yuan ! The dramatic incoming ,he told me:"Boy,give me your cigarette,let me change another one for you !

Guess what i did at last?Hum?

Well ,i told back:"Boss ,let me change another 50yuan for you !

This story ,lets don't discuss whether it is a fiction or not,but one thing warning us:"Don't cheat anybody,don't greedy any small advantages ,because you never know what's the trap is waiting for you . Genuiness and honest to treat people ,you will gain the rich.



在普通物理学中,质量的概念定义为:描述物质性质的物理量,而物体具有产生引力和引力的性质。牛顿在17世纪发现的万有引力定律就是反映这一属性的定律。万有引力定律的表达式为m1和m2,也就是说,相互作用的两个对象各自具有引力的度量,并且可以感知引力的大小,称为引力质量。通常用天平和其他各种秤称出的物体的质量实际上是根据万有引力定律获得的物体的重力质量。该对象具有保持运动的原始状态-惯性的属性。牛顿第二运动定律F = ma的表达式是物体惯性的量度,称为惯性质量。

引力质量和惯性质量是物体两个不同属性的量度。从万有引力定律和牛顿第二定律可以证明物体的引力质量与惯性质量成正比。如果为重力质量和惯性质量选择了合适的质量,则自由落体的加速度g定义为g = G..M

关键字: 质量 引力 惯性 物体 定律




